
Personal Training: Day 8

Back to the meathead section again today.  It was oddly empty.  Sadly devoid of meatheads.  Only my own reflection to study in the mirror.

Light pink is not my color.  (I know Candace, I'm a winter.  I shall, henceforth, dress accordingly.)

I've never been that comfortable with the whole "staring at myself in the mirror" thing.  Especially if my face is red and sweaty.  Oh well.  Personal training and bikram yoga are challenging.  Most especially bikram yoga, where I am commanded to look at my puce-colored, sweat soaked body and contemplate how beautifully strong it is.

Beautifully strong indeed.


Today's Workout

lunge walk across gym


10x reverse bench press (40lb bar)

60 sec curl and press (20lb bar)

60 sec cobra pose (on bench w/ weights)

60 sec reverse crunch (on bench w/ 12lb wt)


15x lat pull down (40lb)

15x triceps (40lb)

lunge walk across gym

60 seconds plank reach through

45 sec side plank (each side)

45 sec hover plank


10x back extensions

10x roman chair

20 min treadmill run

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