
Reasons why I am NOT nervous about tomorrow's half marathon

1.  Despite feeling completely unprepared...what can I do about it now?  Answer: nothing.  Just gotta ride it out at this point.

2. I'm not thinking about it.  At all.  Otherwise I might get nervous and not sleep tonight.  No bueno.

3. Strawberry shortcake waiting for me at the finish line. YUM.

4. It'll happen. Not matter what happens at 6:45 tomorrow morning, in exactly 24 hours it'll be behind me.  I often have to remind my self of this when facing new challenges, or experiences that I'm not necessarily looking forward to.  It works everytime.

5. Not doing the race is not an option.  I'm an adult, I knew I was going to run it. And I will, even though I've majorly slacked on the training.  I don't care if I have to walk for the majority, I will cross that finish line.

6. I have a new lululemon tank to wear.  Though, it'd better warm up if I'm going to wear it.

7. I just started a new position at work.  This is where all of my energy has been focused.

8. Did I mention the strawberry shortcake?

Okay. Off to the fruit stand to buy some strawberries.  I'm making a strawberry summer cake for  4th of July BBQ tomorrow afternoon.  It's so yummy.

Wish me luck!

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