I have a fantastic friend (who shall remain nameless for the sake of privacy) who loves music. I mean LOVES LOVES LOVES music. This often results in yours truly going to concerts of bands for free. And then there are the concerts that are actually paid for. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I go to a lot of concerts, and thus have been introduced to several fantastic bands. Last Saturday, Midlake, was introduced to my musical appetite, and they are fantastic. Note to all music lovers: check out Midlake, you won't be sorry.
How do you meet people in a big city? I don't like meeting people (and by people I mean boys) at bars. Because who wants to be with a boy that you met at a bar? The boys that I meet at the bars (bar) that I go to are NOT my type. They're flat out silly. They dance up to you and don't take a hint when you try to ditch them. Hello boys of Portland, I am not the typical go to club and find a one night stand kind of girl. Hmm. Oh well.
So I guess my points can be sumarised to:
1. listen to Midlake
2. don't expect to find a great guy at a nightclub